The Ohio School-Based Health Alliance (Ohio Alliance) is founded on the premise that Healthy Kids Learn Better.
School-Based Health Care in Ohio
The research is clear that healthy students learn better. For over three decades, school-based health centers in Ohio have been deployed as an evidence-based strategy to reduce disparities and improve the health and education outcomes of students. In Ohio today, there are estimated to be more than 150 traditional school-based health center sites open or under development, in addition to many more innovative school-based health care partnerships.
Programming and services that are often offered through school-based health care include:
Preventative care, including annual physicals and immunizations
Mental health services and supports
Oral health and vision services
Chronic disease management
Covid-19 testing and vaccinations
School-based health care in Ohio supports the foundation to ensure that every student, family, and community has the equitable health services, supports and systems they need to achieve optimal health and education outcomes.
The Ohio Alliance is grateful for the support of our funders: