What is the Ohio School-Based Health Center Census?
The Ohio School-Based Health Alliance conducted a census of school-based health centers (SBHCs) in Ohio for the 2023-2024 school year. Census data includes location and operational information from SBHCs, including populations served and services provided.
SBHCs are created through a partnership between a school/school district and a healthcare provider to increase access to, at minimum, primary healthcare services to students on a school campus. SBHCs remove barriers to accessing care, reducing disparities and improving health and education outcomes for Ohio's children. This collaborative health and education partnership is transformational in ensuring Ohio children are healthy and ready to learn.
Map features
Update the map
To view information about an SBHC on the map, click on a marker or a healthcare provider.
Information included for each SBHC site:
Healthcare provider sponsor
School district
Year opened
Services offered
Populations served
The 2024-2025 School Year Census Update is in the field for SBHC operators. If you have questions or want to ensure that your SBHC operator/sites are included, please email Dr. Rachael Schilling (rachael@osbha.com).
Data highlights
This map reflects 135 SBHC sites in Ohio verified through the census, serving 74 school districts and 794 school buildings in the state. For the purposes of the census, SBHC sites are all co-located in a school building/on a school campus and provide, at minimum, primary care services to students.
SBHCs are located in 37 of the 88 Ohio Counties.
Sixty-two percent (84) of SBHCs were established within the last 5 years (2019 to 2024), with the earliest SBHC established in 1995.
Sixty-five percent (22) of SBHC sponsors are a Federally Qualified Health Center or Look-Alike. Twenty-nine percent (10) of sponsors are a hospital/health system.
Among the 135 SBHCs, 65% (88) provide behavioral health services, 33% (45) provide oral health services, and 22% (30) provide vision services.
A school district or school building is considered to be served by an SBHC if students in that school have access to an SBHC either via telehealth services or transportation.
SBHCs were not excluded from the census based on a minimum number of hours of operation. However, hours of operation ranged from 4 hours/week to 48 hours/week.
Last updated: May 2024
Contact: Rachael Schilling, rachael@osbha.com