SBHC 101 Toolkit
Module 2: Planning for an SBHC
Do you think that your school community is in need of an SBHC? This module is the second in a series of three modules that will guide you in the SBHC planning process:
Establishing a planning team
Assessing need and engaging the community
Determining whether to move forward with an SBHC
Developing school and healthcare provider partnership
This Toolkit also includes:
Explore the Module 2 tools
Links to resources below and more in Module 2!​​
Tools: Planning team
Planning Team Outreach Worksheet Ohio School-Based Health Alliance. A planning chart to track planning team membership and outreach.
Checklist for Starting a School-Based Health Center Ohio School-Based Health Alliance. The checklist provides planning team members with an understanding of the scope of work to be accomplished.
Tools: Needs assessment development
Summary reports
Alliance & Elmhurst Middle Schools School Health Needs Assessment Alameda County School Health Services Coalition. A comprehensive report developed during a needs assessment in California that outlines 9 key recommendations.
San Pablo Community School Needs Assessment Report Hatchuel Tabernik and Associates. A report discussing the methodology and findings of a needs assessment that identifies priority areas for improvement
East Community School Needs Assessment East Community School and the University of Rochester. A website that lists the timeline and steps of their needs assessment and includes links to their report.
Processes, templates, and data sources
CDC’s CHANGE Tool Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. An eight-step tool using
a community team to identify needs and prioritize areas for improvement. -
Comprehensive Needs Assessment PDF Office of Migrant Education. A PDF worksheet
that outlines possible needs assessment steps to consider. -
School mental health quality guide: Needs assessment & resource mapping
University of Maryland. A guide for community organizations assessing the need for
mental health care programs in schools that can be used to inform SBHCs. -
Quantitative data sources Ohio School-Based Health Alliance. Table contains local
and national sources of data to include in a needs assessment.
Tools: Qualitative data and community engagement
A recipe for meaningful community engagement Health Leads. A guide for
building community relationships and centering equity. -
Principles of community engagement Department of Health and Human Services.
A primer for understanding and implementing community engagement in health
promotion research, including needs assessments. -
Community Planning Toolkit — Community Engagement Community Commons. This
toolkit provides detailed instructions, guiding questions, examples, things to be aware of,
and tools to help with enabling relationships and building trust with the community. -
Program evaluation tools Centers for Disease Control. The CDC has several
evaluation tools, including briefs describing both quantitative and qualitative data
collection and analysis methods and tips for reporting findings.
Tools: Community Learning Centers
What the Four Pillars of Community Schools Look Like in Action Learning Policy Institute. An infographic describing the four components that define community schools.
Framework: Essentials for Community School Transformation Community Schools Forward Project. A narrative summary that highlights the key steps to becoming a community school.
Community Schools Playbook: A practical guide to advancing community schools strategies Partnership for the Future of Learning. A comprehensive manual that can be used to guide implementation of the model.
Community Learning Centers (CLCs) In Ohio: CLCs are a strategy that aligns to many strategies and goals in the state of Ohio Community Learning Center Institute. A document that outlines how the CLC model aligns with Ohio state goals.
Tools: Request for proposal process
School-based health center sponsors School-Based Health Alliance. An overview of
common types of healthcare sponsoring organizations. -
Request for proposal: Establishment of school-based health centers This is a county-level RFP based in Maryland that includes helpful timelines and appendices.
Tools: HIPAA and FERPA
A Resource Guide to HIPAA and FERPA School-Based Health Alliance. A guide providing a broad overview and considerations for navigating HIPAA and FERPA.
HIPAA/FERPA Learning Burst American Academy of Pediatrics. This training explains how HIPAA and FERPA laws apply to health information-sharing in the school setting.
Tools: SBHC consent form examples
Columbus City Schools school health program consent form Columbus City Schools. This form can be used by families to provide consent to three different operators of school-based health centers within Columbus City Schools.
Example of an electronic consent form MetroHealth System. This consent form is filled out by the family and goes directly to the electronic medical record of the healthcare partner, without a need for paper forms.
Do you need more help?
For additional support and technical assistance in planning for or setting up an SBHC, you can contact Katherine Bissett, Ohio Alliance Director of School-Based Health Care Initiatives at​