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SBHC 101 Toolkit

Module 2: Planning for an SBHC

Do you think that your school community is in need of an SBHC? This module is the second in a series of three modules that will guide you in the SBHC planning process:

  • Establishing a planning team

  • Assessing need and engaging the community

  • Determining whether to move forward with an SBHC

  • Developing school and healthcare provider partnership

Module 2 title page.png

Tools: Planning team


Tools: Needs assessment development

Summary reports

Processes, templates, and data sources


Tools: Qualitative data and community engagement

  • A recipe for meaningful community engagement Health Leads. A guide for
    building community relationships and centering equity.

  • Principles of community engagement Department of Health and Human Services.
    A primer for understanding and implementing community engagement in health
    promotion research, including needs assessments.

  • Community Planning Toolkit — Community Engagement Community Commons. This
    toolkit provides detailed instructions, guiding questions, examples, things to be aware of,
    and tools to help with enabling relationships and building trust with the community.

  • Program evaluation tools Centers for Disease Control. The CDC has several
    evaluation tools, including briefs describing both quantitative and qualitative data
    collection and analysis methods and tips for reporting findings.


Tools: Community Learning Centers


Tools: Request for proposal process


Tools: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)


Tools: HIPAA and FERPA

  • A Resource Guide to HIPAA and FERPA School-Based Health Alliance. A guide providing a broad overview and considerations for navigating HIPAA and FERPA.

  • HIPAA/FERPA Learning Burst American Academy of Pediatrics. This training explains how HIPAA and FERPA laws apply to health information-sharing in the school setting.


Tools: SBHC consent form examples

Do you need more help?

For additional support and technical assistance in planning for or setting up an SBHC, you can contact Katherine Bissett, Ohio Alliance Director of School-Based Health Care Initiatives at​

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