SBHC 101 Toolkit
Module 1: Understanding SBHCs
Are you interested in learning more about school-based health centers (SBHCS)? This is the
first module in a series of three that will guide you in understanding:
Key components of an SBHC
Other school-based health care delivery mechanisms
Relationship between SBHC and school health services team
This Toolkit also includes:
Explore the Module 1 tools
Links to resources below and more in Module 1!​​
Tools: Evidence and support for SBHCs
School-based health care in Ohio: A closer look at school-based health centers (SBHCs) Ohio School-Based Health Alliance. This brief provides an overview of the state’s SBHC landscape and key education and health impacts of SBHCs. .
Social Determinants of Health: School-Based Health Centers Community Preventive Services Taskforce. This resource provides a systematic review of the evidence supporting SBHCs.
School-Based Health Centers and Pediatric Practice The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Policy Statement from October 2021. This policy statement outlines the benefits of SBHCs.
The Evidence on School-Based Health Centers: A Review Global Pediatric Health. This resource discusses how SBHCs promote social mobility and impact health equity.
Tools: SBHC core competencies
The national School-Based Heath Alliance identifies core competencies of an SBHC to
provide a common guiding framework for SBHCs to achieve sustainable, high quality, and
optimal healthcare delivery in schools:
Tools: Other school-based health care delivery mechanisms
School-Based Mobile Healthcare Toolkit School-Based Health Alliance. This toolkit describes promising operations and sustainability practices for school-based mobile units.
Telehealth and School-Based Health Centers: Lessons and Best Practices from Early Adopters School-Based Health Alliance. The webinar provides guidance and highlights best practice on school-based telehealth services.
School-Based Telehealth Playbook School-Based Health Alliance. This playbook guides SBHCs through the design, implementation, and operation of a telehealth program that meets the needs of children and adolescents.
Do you need more help?
For additional support and technical assistance in planning for or setting up an SBHC, you can contact Katherine Bissett, Ohio Alliance Director of School-Based Health Care Initiatives at​